A Guide to Passive Fundraising: FAQ + 3 Ideas for Nonprofit

  If your nonprofit is like most, your annual fundraising plan likely shows that most individual donations come in waves. You’ll raise lots of funds at once from events, major gift solicitations, and your year-end giving campaign, with only a small amount of monthly donation revenue coming in between.   However, your fundraising plan will…

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4 Essential Tips for Creating a High-Quality Donor List

  Standardizing your nonprofit’s approach to donor identification, acquisition, and stewardship is crucial for maintaining an efficient and effective fundraising process. That said, a donor list can help you centralize your efforts.   A donor list is a collection of information about existing and potential donors to your nonprofit. It usually includes details such as…

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4 Key Elements to Include in Your Donor Retention Plan

  Once a supporter starts their donor journey with your organization, how do you engage with them and keep them invested in your mission? How do you inspire them to give again or to get involved in other ways?   With donor retention rates dropping across the nonprofit sector, the answers to these questions are…

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Expanding Your Nonprofit Technology Stack: 5 Considerations

  Time and time again, we’ve seen how the power of technology opens new doors for nonprofits. For example, thanks to the ubiquity of the internet, nonprofits can now fundraise in a variety of ways around the world and around the clock. Similarly, social media provides exciting opportunities for organizations to connect and engage with…

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Preparing for Grant Writing: Quick Checklist for Nonprofits

  Mastering the craft of grant writing opens up amazing growth opportunities for nonprofits of all sizes. But it can also feel like an uphill battle: complicated grant requirements, confusing jargon, unfamiliar research processes, and more.    For small, under-resourced, or brand-new organizations, stepping into the world of grant writing might feel more like a…

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Nonprofit Spotlight: Support Sports in Sierra Leone

We are excited to feature Support Sports in Sierra Leone! They participated in our 2024 Women’s Build Event. Support Sports in Sierra Leone provides youth in Sierra Leone with healthy activities, combats engagement in anti-social activities, addresses food insecurity issues faced by the participants, encourages the participants to pursue classroom education, and educates participants about…

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How Can Nonprofit Professionals Practice Mindfulness?

How Can Nonprofit Professionals Practice Mindfulness? As a nonprofit professional, you handle a variety of different responsibilities in your day-to-day work, ranging from hosting revenue-generating fundraising events to optimizing your organization’s website design. However, just because you’re working toward a good cause doesn’t mean your role isn’t stressful or even overwhelming at times. Prolonged stress…

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3 Ways Your Website Can Support Your Non-Cash Giving Efforts

3 Ways Your Website Can Support Your Non-Cash Giving Efforts As a nonprofit fundraiser, you understand the importance of diversifying your revenue streams, and you’ve likely heard about (if not tried) several ways to do so. From corporate matching gifts to social media fundraising, nonprofits employ all sorts of strategies to appeal to different giving…

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Marketing Lessons Nonprofits Can Learn from Small Businesses

  In the ever-evolving landscape of philanthropy, nonprofits face a multitude of challenges, including securing funding, building a strong donor base, and conveying their mission to the public. To navigate this complex terrain successfully, nonprofits can turn to a surprising source of inspiration: small businesses.   Small businesses, which often operate with limited resources and…

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Using Data for Your Nonprofit Social Media Strategy: 5 Tips

  If you’re a nonprofit professional, your specialties likely lie in building relationships with donors, managing volunteers, and developing programming for your beneficiaries. You are an expert in how to uphold your organization’s mission and make a tremendous impact on your community.   However, there are other activities, like nonprofit marketing, that your organization must…

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