48in48 Nonprofit Highlight – October 2019: Waymark

Waymark – Skills, support and hope for youth in foster care.

Waymark Logo 

Waymark is a Marietta, Georgia-based nonprofit giving hope to youth in foster care by forming personal connections and an understanding that God has a plan and a purpose for their lives. They focus on camps, skills training and mentoring designed to provide support, skills and success in the transition from state care to adulthood. By creating the structure and space for caring volunteers to provide skills, support and critical relationships, Waymark is making an impact in Georgia!

You Matter

How did the 48in48-built website help Waymark in its efforts?

Fishing with a FriendWaymark was formerly Kids3, and they embarked on a mission in 2018 to create a new name, logo, visual identity, messaging platform and company update. They needed a new website that would reflect all of that fresh presence, and that’s where 48in48 comes in! Building the new website was one of the final (and most vital) steps in a process that spanned numerous months and a lot of effort on the part of the Waymark team. Working with 48in48 to build a new website and update their approach to marketing has provided clarity to the Waymark team regarding their mission and impact. This clarity is critical when communicating to volunteers and donors, as well as to those they serve such as foster parents, group homes, agencies and others. The Waymark team is better equipped to succeed now that they understand the importance of clear and consistent communication, on the website and in general. Many people in the community are now much more aware of the needs of the community as well as how Waymark helps meet those needs after visiting the 48in48-built website, and many of them have reached out and connected with Waymark as a result.


What would Waymark tell other Nonprofits considering working with 48in48?



How can you get involved?

Waymark has a variety of upcoming events, and they are always looking for volunteers. Please go to the Volunteer section of the website, or contact Tasha at [email protected] to get involved. Upcoming events include:

  • Journey Weekend camps for teens ages 12-17 in foster care
    • October 4-6, 2019 for Girls
    • October 18-20, 2019 for Boys
  • Waymark Gala at North Metro Church in Marietta
    • November 7, 2019
  • Royal Family KIDS Camp – summer camp for ages 6-12 in foster care
    • June 7-12, 2020

Girls on Ropes CourseCanoeing at Camp